Lost in Consumption

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Sometimes I get lost, and I can’t quite explain it.

I’m not floating through an ocean

Or running through a forest

My foot is not stuck beneath some rock

And my mind is not searching for a word.

I’m not somewhere foreign: Europe, Asia, Russia, China

I’m not anywhere–

But I am everywhere–

All at once–

As if I’m stretching through all places, times, people, things




And yet, ironically–

There is a cold, hollowness to it.

There is a fatigue attached.

That weighs you down, further and further

That pulls at your shoulder blades as you lean over your phone
lean into a kiss that’s undeserved, and a friend, even more undeserved of your words–
lean into your knees, clutching at your stomach, that churns and churns the pounds of rot you’ve eaten.

I’ve consumed so much. 

And yet, I am hollow.

With only the pain reverberating throughout that silence,

The pain that comes when you know–when you just know.

There must be something better, than this,

L Ost InC onsumPtion.

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