Author: Georgia

  • The End; The Beginning

    The End; The Beginning

    To the end; To the beginning In the darknessI hear the windI hear the chimesI see a sliver of light Everything is quiet when I step outsideAnd everything is stillBut I hear it; the hornI see it: the smokeI feel it; the soft vibrationsOf a train I’m suddenly in a hurry, and everything moves with… Read more

  • Home; a collection of poems

    Home; a collection of poems

    To my home Home is an entityOf everchanging madnessWith long, weighted wingsFlying through the mountainsThe canyonsThe gardensOf my soul; Curves of shadowed architectureBending and forming the wallsAnd little light:The overhead kitchen lightThe quiet luminescence of the porchThe living room TV, blaring unusual technicolor I’ve buried myself in it’s chestAnd it’s wrapped his long tendrils around… Read more

  • Canada


    friend, foe, lover i think of it distantly;sometimesin the eye of a birdflying overhead think of itlike a gilt-framed paintingglancing over it asI walk into the kitchen;to be never experiencedbut admired from afar it is my companionto console meto hug mein times where I wantand wishto leave my whole identityburning perpetually in the hot,sultry dessert… Read more

  • the old, texas sun

    the old, texas sun

    0w3h9e6re a27m84 I0? i remember when I first saw himi was lost in a sea of technicolorlost, searching through waves of eu2pho2ria when he appearedjust beyond the distance, beyond the pe6o6p6leand stared with a soft, with a pitywith a hOrrorthat could only me formed, curated of age and innocence99 and I felt5this uneasinessthat I was1that… Read more

  • Liz Galvezs’ “Idol”

    Liz Galvezs’ “Idol”

    Hey! I’m Liz. I love traveling between dimensions, resurrecting memories, and writing poetry about it. I do music here and there, and definitely want to do more. From public TV features to poetry trucks, blogs, and conferences, both academic and otherwise, I love saying yes to cool projects! (Including this one!).  I am a multidisciplinary… Read more

  • to be a girl; what i did and did not know

    to be a girl; what i did and did not know

    to her how come I never knew what it felt like to be a girl? i thought I knewi thought it was the skirtsor the nailsor maybe the boysthe love that you wish from them but I think i must’ve fellor wanderedin some warm solace a house, perhapsdecorated with pillows and candlesechoing with the distant… Read more

  • Victor and his decisions; Blog Edit

    Victor and his decisions; Blog Edit

    Victor and his decisionsChangedWhen he realized the personWho he made these decisions for Wasn’t here anymore And he started to feel the effects of this absence: The World/Their Home/His Heart Shuddered,TrembledIn the cold It was small decision at first:It was the presence of his smileAnd the volume of his laughOrThe time at which he rose… Read more

  • Mary, of India

    Mary, of India

    I dream of farther things I do. Sometimes, I wish To be encased Quietly In a marriage I have not agreed to And In those conditions Find my freedom: In a complete strangers eyes I think it easier To do that Than to hold the expectations Of generations before you; Hold the expectations Of a… Read more

  • The Therapist; M

    The Therapist; M

    I only remember our conversations between the pauses a tape recorder couldn’t hear. That skip of time, that could only be heard with click, contains all my memories of him. “I think we love the story of a bird being released in its cage, or, ” The man leans back into his chair, “A story… Read more

  • hala mousas’ nothing more

    hala mousas’ nothing more

    hi everyone! I hope you resonate with this poem. I only yearn that the sun always shines on you and that you never have to see the darkness. I wish you all a great day/night!  xoxo, hala lemon leaves fall over youthe smell of greenery fills your headgrass grass and more grass just beyondthe pathnot… Read more