Category: My Novel

  • the old, texas sun

    the old, texas sun

    0w3h9e6re a27m84 I0? i remember when I first saw himi was lost in a sea of technicolorlost, searching through waves of eu2pho2ria when he appearedjust beyond the distance, beyond the pe6o6p6leand stared with a soft, with a pitywith a hOrrorthat could only me formed, curated of age and innocence99 and I felt5this uneasinessthat I was1that… Read more

  • Victor and his decisions; Blog Edit

    Victor and his decisions; Blog Edit

    Victor and his decisionsChangedWhen he realized the personWho he made these decisions for Wasn’t here anymore And he started to feel the effects of this absence: The World/Their Home/His Heart Shuddered,TrembledIn the cold It was small decision at first:It was the presence of his smileAnd the volume of his laughOrThe time at which he rose… Read more

  • Mary, of India

    Mary, of India

    I dream of farther things I do. Sometimes, I wish To be encased Quietly In a marriage I have not agreed to And In those conditions Find my freedom: In a complete strangers eyes I think it easier To do that Than to hold the expectations Of generations before you; Hold the expectations Of a… Read more

  • The Therapist; M

    The Therapist; M

    I only remember our conversations between the pauses a tape recorder couldn’t hear. That skip of time, that could only be heard with click, contains all my memories of him. “I think we love the story of a bird being released in its cage, or, ” The man leans back into his chair, “A story… Read more