Category: Poems

  • Canada


    friend, foe, lover i think of it distantly;sometimesin the eye of a birdflying overhead think of itlike a gilt-framed paintingglancing over it asI walk into the kitchen;to be never experiencedbut admired from afar it is my companionto console meto hug mein times where I wantand wishto leave my whole identityburning perpetually in the hot,sultry dessert… Read more

  • to be a girl; what i did and did not know

    to be a girl; what i did and did not know

    to her how come I never knew what it felt like to be a girl? i thought I knewi thought it was the skirtsor the nailsor maybe the boysthe love that you wish from them but I think i must’ve fellor wanderedin some warm solace a house, perhapsdecorated with pillows and candlesechoing with the distant… Read more

  • War


    she whispered to her, in quiet tones of Hebrew, as they approached the art table.. Today was the closest I’d been to war And I saw it in the eyes of a mother and her daughter Both from Israel, they’d left a few weeks prior to flee To stay with family She had her hand… Read more

  • My Friend.

    My Friend.

    Both of our names start with the letter G, and maybe that said something about how wildly different, and yet, and how wildly the same we are. Friends are rare to me They come like family heirlooms; Quietly passed down, whispered between generations Until suddenly your 13, and amidst the drama of boys and gossip… Read more

  • My Inception; V

    My Inception; V

    he always had this look, as if the wind was perpetually in his face… The inception of me was not my inception But it was when I met you Your eyes held keys  that unlocked that worst parts of myself; opened, the hollow, dark void of all my deepest worries And traveled across time, to… Read more

  • Humans and Creativity

    Humans and Creativity

     The ability to create is so beautiful To press fingers onto paper; silk, your temple And spontaneously,  With our sacred souls Blossom there wholly new creations How unfortunate I think To find that the same species who creates Is the same one who measures And who decides When and how things should be created We… Read more

  • Lost in Consumption

    Lost in Consumption

    Sometimes I get lost, and I can’t quite explain it. I’m not floating through an ocean Or running through a forest My foot is not stuck beneath some rock And my mind is not searching for a word. I’m not somewhere foreign: Europe, Asia, Russia, China I’m not anywhere– But I am everywhere– All at… Read more