hala mousas’ nothing more

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hi everyone! I hope you resonate with this poem. I only yearn that the sun always shines on you and that you never have to see the darkness. I wish you all a great day/night! 

xoxo, hala

lemon leaves fall over you
the smell of greenery fills your head
grass grass and more grass just beyond
the path
not far away
a duck quacks
it’s wings flap against the water
above you a cloud surrounds the sun
a moment of dimness sprouts
it’s clear
but dark
darker than before

a heavy blanket falls over you catching your breath, you look around
all of it has stopped
not a falling leaf in sight
no quacking duck, no flapping wings
you sit and cross your legs
everything has gone
leaving you with only your thoughts
nothing more
and that is enough

the sun peaks out
you hear leaves fall
ducks quack
wings flap
standing up, you feel a weight being lifted
while you pick a lemon, you feel your
thoughts inching back behind their closed doors
waiting for the next time you are blocked
from the sun

Want to find Halas other work?

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